
An abstract puzzle game inspired by M. C. Escher

Tesseract is the third game project I’ve made in university and the first game I’ve worked on which wasn’t based on my own idea. One of my teammates came up with a very level design-based approach, inspired by tough puzzle games like Stephen’s Sausage Roll. I really liked the approach and wanted to do something very minimalistic and clean looking after my last two projects.

Together with the artist in our team we decided to go for a style inspired by games like Monument Valley and ther works of M.C. Escher. It allowed us to work with a very modular kit on whic we could iterate a lot. Before I was responsible for the overall look of the levels, I helped blocking out the levels with the amazing level design tool our programmer designed for us. I animated the scenes in Unity and used directional as well as point lights to go for the heavily shaded look we wanted.

A summary of my responsibilities:

  • Working together with the team to come up with fitting game mechanics
  • Animating the objects given by our 3D artist
  • Composing the minimalistic, color blocked design of the game
  • Working with the level design tool our programmer created
  • Creating 16 different (background) levels
  • Creating level names fitting to the design
  • Designing the main menu, level menu, game over- and level solved-screen
  • Designing the minimalistic user interface
