Anne Zarnecke

Personal Blog

My Twitter account mainly exists to keep everyone informed about the massive amount of time I’m spending with Animal Crossing and other vital information about my personal life, so this blog is the main platform I use to actually write things down.

Luigi's Mansion 3 Anne Zarnecke

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Review now online

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Review now online For Techstage I climbed into Nintendo’s haunted hotel and had a lot of fun sucking in some ghosts. 03/12/2020...

Anne Zarnecke

Five Things I’ve Enjoyed this August

Five Things I’ve Enjoyed this August August 2020 After revamping my whole portfolio and starting the whole „Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week“ series, I have...

New World MMO Anne Zarnecke

New World Preview now online

New World Preview now online Thanks to Gamereactor I’ve had the chance to preview New World, Amazon Studio’s upcoming MMO. As someone not particularly interested...

The Sinking City Annne Zarnecke

The Sinking City Review now online

The Sinking City Review now online I’m always really excited when I hear an announcement about games that play (or are inspired by) the Lovecraft...

WASD Anne Zarnecke

What I’ve been up to

I have been pretty quiet in the last couple of months after announcing the start of my internship at Mad About Pandas. A lot has...

Open House Exhibition @ UE Anne Zarneccke

Open House Exhibition @ UE

Almost two weeks ago we’ve had our exhibition and open house at the university, where everyone was invited to look at our current works. One...